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*menos AJ Styles



Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up
Corner Punches


Top Rope Punches

Elbow Smash to the Back

Knee Strike to the Back

Elbow Smash

Cornered Back Elbow

Arm Capture Stomps to the Head

Knees to the Gut
Elbow Smash

Irish Whip into the Barricade


Big Boot
Senton Atomico to the Outside into Chairs
Powerbomb Counter into a Hurricanrana Roll-Up

Hurricanrana Counter into a Alley Oop on the Turnbuckle

Springboard Counter into a Blue Thunder Bomb

Cornered Big Boot
Leg Lariat

Big Boot

Single-Leg Dropkick

Running Jumping Knee

Hammerlock Slam

Flying Clothesline


Assisted Hurricanrana into the Ropes


Wrist Lock Takedown on the Apron

Saito Suplex

Running Corner Big Boot

Avalanche Vertical Suplex

Arm-Lock Running Bulldog

Rolling Backslide Roll-Up

Backslide Pinfall

Diving High Knee

Discus Elbow Smash

Wheelbarrow Suplex

Standing Hurricanrana into a Wheelbarrow Suplex

Single Underhook Brainbuster

Topé Suicida

Sitout Powerbomb

Frog Splash

Pop-Up Modified F5

German Suplex


Brainbuster into the Turnbuckle


Avalanche Brainbuster

Blue Thunder Bomb

Avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb

Senton Bomb

Komoritsui Otoshi

Avalanche Komoritsui Otoshi

Powerdrive Knee Strike