Todas as GIFs estão atualizadas!
*menos AJ Styles


Elbow Smash

Punches to Opponent Hang on Apron

Elbow Smashes

Stomp to the Hand

Running Forearm Smash
Throw into the Barricade

Flying Clothesline from the Barricade

Flying Crossbody from a Ladder

Throw into the Ring Post

Crossbody from the Fan Section

Catapult into the Stage-side

Head First into the Announcers Table

The Impaler into a Chair

Chair Shot

Catapult into a Ladder

Hockey Stick Shot

Kendo Stick Shot

Powerbomb Trough a Flaming Table

Spear Trough a Table
Springboard Counter with a Spear

Push from the Apron

Clothesline to the Outside

Russian Leg Sweep

Diving Double Clothesline

Swinging Neckbreaker

Suicide Dive

Scoop Slam into the Apron

Avalanche Fallaway Slam

Diving Clothesline on the Apron

Diving Crossbody to the Back

Low Blow Sequence


Half Nelson Facebuster

Second Rope Russian Leg Sweep

Eletric Chair Facebuster

Inverted Front-Facelock Neckbreaker into the Knee

Sitout Powerbomb

Olympic Slam


Full Nelson Slam

Sitout Rear Mat Slam

Diving Crossbody

Gorilla Press Slam to the Outside

Kneeling Inverted Sharpshooter


Jumping Tornado DDT from Apron

Arm Trap Crossface

Avalanche The Impaler

The Impaler

Steel Steps Assisted Spear

Spear to Opponent on Apron

Spear on Exposed Ring

Spear in Mid-Air
