Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up

Punch and Kicks on the Corner

Top Rop Punches


Throw to the Outside

Back Elbow

Head First into the Turnbuckle


Head First into the Announcers Table

Push into the Ring Post

Mid-Air Catch into a Powerbomb

Getting of the Way


Arm Drag

Clothesline to the Outside

Tornado DDT

Wristlock Escalera into a Tornado DDT

Diving Pointed Elbow

Michinoku Driver

Exploder Suplex into the Corner

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Topé Con Hilo

Arabian Press Moonsault

German Suplex

Half and Half Suplex

Blue Thunder Bomb

Super Brainbuster into the Turnbuckle

Helluva Kick to the Back

Helluva Kick