Todas as GIFs estão atualizadas!
*menos AJ Styles


Kick to the Gut

Corner Chops

Crossbody from the Stage

Tijeras from the Barricade
Japanese Arm-Drag

Baseball Slide

Body Slam

Springboard Tijeras to the Outside


Spike Tijeras

Tijeras from the Apron

Russian Leg Sweep

Spinning High Kick

Snap Scoop Slam

Springboard Crossbody

Diving Senton Atomico

Springboard Asai Moonsault

Springboard Arm Drag to the Outside

Slingshot Tornillo Splash

Corner Escalera Crossbody to the Outside

Springboard Crossbody to the Outside

Handspring Back Elbow

Topé Suicida

Pescado into a Tijeras

Arabian Press Arm-Drag

Tornillo Suicida

Rope Assisted Enzuigiri Kick

Standing Canadian Destroyer

Springboard Canadian Destroyer

Tiger Feint Kick

Powerbomb into Another Wrestler

Escalera Flying Arm-Drag

Powerbomb Counter into a Sunset Flip

Springboard Missile Dropkick

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Escalera Avalanche Spanish Fly

Standing Sunset Flip Powerbomb

La Mistica