Todas as GIFs estão atualizadas!
*menos AJ Styles


Corner Kicks and Punches

Corner Attack

Knee to the Gut

Grounded Kick to the Back
Flying Move Counter into a Powerslam

Flying Senton from the Apron

Back Body Drop into the Crowd

Throw into the Steel Steps

Push into the Barricade

Snake Eyes into the Announcers Table

Slam into the Ring Post
Title Shot
Diving Move Counter into a Fallaway Slam

Kick Counter into a Clothesline

Diving Move Counter into a Swinging Side Slam

Suicide Dive Counter with a Punch


Leg Lariat

Back Suplex

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

German Suplex


Exploder Suplex

Gutwrench Suplex

Suplex from the Apron to the Ring

Clothesline to the Outside

Running Body Splash

Running Corner Body Splash

Beats of Bodhran

Mid-Air Catch into a Swinging Side Slam


Samoan Drop

Low Blow


Roundhouse Kick

Swinging Side Slam

Running Machka Kick

Machka Kick

Game Over