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*menos AJ Styles




Push into the Turnbuckle

Double Leg Kick


Kick to the Gut

Wrist Lock into a Arm Stomp

Suplex from the Barricade to the Floor

Swerve Stomp into the Announcers Table
Swerve Stomp into Cinderblock
Cornered Back Drop into a Sitout Powerslam

Suicide Dive Counter into a Deadlift Suplex

Suicide Dive Counter with a Elbow

Knees Up

Cornered Big Boot
Shoulder Tackle


Grounded Hurricanrana


Big Boot

Crucifix Roll-Up

Arm Capture Back Suplex

Knee First into the Turnbuckle

Flying Uppercut from the Apron

Running Corner Uppercut

Deadlift Suplex

Slingshot Dropkick

Powerbomb into a Powerslam

Avalanche Arm-DDT


Diving Uppercut to the Back

Death Valley Driver into the Apron

Avalanche Death Valley Driver into the Apron

Discus Lariat

Leg Catch into a Cradle Backbreaker

Rope-Hung Swinging Neckbreaker

Neckbreaker on the Apron

Spiral Tap

Diving Crossbody

Double Leg Roll-Up


Top Rope Catch Powerbomb

German Suplex

Deadlift German Suplex

Slingshot Double Foot Stomp into the Apron

Diving Double Foot Stomp to Corner-Hang Opponent

450 Splash to the Back

450 Splash to a Rope Hung Opponent

Rolling Flatliner

Grounded Roundhouse Kick

Swerve Stomp into the Apron

Modified Buckshot Lariat

Swerve Stomp

House Call

JML Driver