Todas as GIFs estão atualizadas!
*menos AJ Styles




Trying to Eliminate

Throw to the Outside

Running Body Splash into Elimination

Kick into Elimination

Uranage to the Outside

Clothesline to the Outside

Avoiding Elimination

Eliminating Two Guys

Top Rope Superman Punch into Elimination

Knee to the Gut into Elimination

European Uppercut into Elimination

Thrust Kick into Elimination

Saving from Elimination

Getting Back to the Ring

Roundhouse Kick into Elimination

Double Clothesline to the Outside

Eliminating Each Other

Rope Assisted Enzuigiri Kick into Elimination

Superkick into Elimination

Exploder Suplex into the Apron

Forearm Smash into Elimination

Knee Strike into Elimination

Forearm Smashes on the Apron

Throw into Ring Post and Slap the Hand to Eliminate

Lowering the Third Rope to Eliminate

Stomp on the Apron to Eliminate

Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex to the Outside

Running Big Boot into Elimination

Fighting on the Apron until Elimination