Todas as GIFs estão atualizadas!
*menos AJ Styles



Kendo Stick Shot

Cornered Chop

Double Handed Chop
Irish Whip into the Barricade

Flying Crossbody over the Fans

Kick to the Gut

Nail in the Coffin on the Floor
Chair Shot

Trashcan Shot
Springboard Counter into a Clothesline
Arm Drag

Shoulder Block

Spinning Back Kick

Cornered Double Foot Mule Kick

Running Bulldog

Spinning Kick to the Gut

Back Body Drop to the Outside

Wheel Kick

Diving Wheel Kick

Cornered Big Boot


Spinning Mule Kick

Leg Drop

Modified Fireman's Carry

Body Slam

Kick Combination

Avalanche Gutwrench Suplex

Back Suplex


Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex


Diving Crossbody

Sleeper Hold

Spinning Sit Out Powerbomb

Spinning Roundhouse Kick


Jacknife Powerbomb

Corner Captured Jacknife Powerbomb

Nail in the Coffin