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*menos AJ Styles


Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up

Octopus Hold
Throw to the Outside

Kick to the Gut
Throw into the Barricade
Cornered Big Boot

Wrist Lock Handspring Counter into a Wrist Lock

Double Boot into the Apron
Leg Lariat

Crucifix Pin with Body Bridge

Handstand Hurricanrana

Handstand Spinning Kick

Sasuke Special

Jumping Roundhouse Kick

Jumping Kick

Nothern Lights Suplex

Springboard Corkscrew Kick

Gut Stand Moonsault

Assai Moonsault from the Top Rope

Mat Slam

Running Corner Handspring Back Elbow

Snap Suplex

Standing Corkscrew Moonsault

630º Senton