Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up


Back Kick

Diving Move Counter into a BuckleBomb


Arm Drag

Wrist Lock Roundhouse Kick


Wrist Lock Arabian Press Arm Drag

Standing Shooting Star Press

Over the Top Rope Corkscrew Moonsault Plancha

Rope Assisted Enzuigiri Kick

Diving Corkscrew Crossbody

Inverted Suplex Slam

Shining Wizard

Pop-Up Cutter

Revolution Fly


Grounded Superkick

Cornered Superkick

Avalanche Sitout Powerbomb

Military Press into a Michinoku Driver

Double Mexican Surfboard

Springboard Crossbody

Double Samoan Drop

Snap Scoop Slam

Vertical Suplex

Topé Suicida

Triangle 450° Splash to Opponent Rope-Hang

Bicycle Kick on the Apron

Hurricanrana on the Apron to the Floor

Argentine Rack positioned into a Knee to the Face

24 Plex