Back Kick

Kick to the Face

Knee Lift to Opponent on Top Rope

Knee Lift to the Gut


Knee Strike to Opponent on Apron

Throw into the Ring Post

Throw into the Apron

Throw into Barricade

Throw into the Announcers Table

Tilt-a Whirl Powerslam on the Floor

Throw into the Ring Post

Rolling Fireman's Carry on the Floor

Brogue Kick to the Back into the Steel Steps

Chair Shot

Suicide Dive Counter with a Punch

Corner Double Big Boot

Shoulder Tackle


Clothesline to Opponent on Apron

Knee Drop

Knee Drop Sequence


Double Wrist Sitout Bomb

Bicycle Knee Strike

Rolling Release Suplex

Tilt-a Whirl Backbreaker


Cravate Neckbreaker

Irish Curse

Tilt-a Whirl Powerslam

Stretch Muffler

Avalanche Rolling Fireman's Carry

Rolling Fireman's Carry

Sitout Powerbomb

White Noise

Beats of Bodhran


Brogue Kick