Todas as GIFs estão atualizadas!
*menos AJ Styles



Capture the Title

Back Body Drop into the Ladder

Baseball Slide

Catapult into the Ladder

Corckscew Moonsault from the Ladder

Jumping Cutter from the Ladder

Ladder Assisted Seated Senton

Getting of the Way

Arm-Breaker from the Ladder

Dropkick to the Ladder

Drop Toe Hold

Dropping the Ladder

Rolling Fireman's Carry into a Ladder

Flapjack into a Ladder

Flying Crossbody from a Ladder

Frog Splash from the Ladder

Gourdbuster into a Ladder

Hanging Above


Head First into the Ladder

Jumping Over

Ladder Shot

Taking Down from the Ladder

Military Press Slam into a Ladder

Dropkick into a Ladder

Hanging Neckbreaker from the Ladder

Buckle Bomb into a Ladder

Sleeper Hold on the Top of the Ladder

Springboard Double Knees from the Middle of the Ladder

Exploder Suplex into a Ladder